16 December 2009

English Writing Club Selection Writing Competition 2009 - 2010

Santa Laurensia Junior High School
English Writing Club Selection Writing Competition 2009 – 2010
Essay Round

1. There are four categories of questions: Narrative, Descriptive, Argumentative/Persuasive and Expository/Informational.
2. You must write a minimum of 4 essays, two from either category 1 and 2, one from category 3 and one from category 4.
3. You may write more than four essays as long as you meet the minimum requirements stated above.
4. The more essays you write the more chances you have of winning.
5. For categories 1, 2 and 3, do not give your essay a title. For category 4, you must give your essay a title. Bolden and underline your title.
6. Each essay must be in a separate document. Do not put more than one essay in the same document.
7. All essays must be typed using the “Arial” font size 12 with double line spacing.
8. Include your name, class, index number and the question number on every essay.
9. All essays must be submitted latest 7 January 2010.
10. Submit your essays in hard copy to either Rebecca (8C) or Yudhi (8D) or e-mail your essays to writingclub.smplaurensia@gmail.com.
11. All essays must be in the English Language.
12. You are not allowed to use any short forms (such as won’t, it’s, doesn’t) or any slangs in your essays except in quotations.


1. Narrative

a) Write an approximately 300 – 600 word essay titled “The Reunion”.

b) Write an essay on the topic “A Quarrel”.

c) Write an essay of not more than 2000 words about something that happened to you while you were on a backpacking trip with your best friend/friends in a Scandinavian country (Norway, Sweden, Finland or Denmark).

d) “You are the president of the Student’s Council of your school. You were working in school until 8 pm preparing for a big event the next day. You were the last one left as everyone else had already left at 7 pm. You have not had lunch nor dinner yet because you have been so busy!”
Based on the above situation, write a narrative essay of at least 150 words about your experience. Be sure to include the following details:
· Why did you go home so late?
· Why did the rest of the Student’s Council members leave earlier than you?
· What was the event the next day?
· What did you feel as you were going home?

e) Write an essay of approximately 300 – 600 words about a time where you were lost in a mysterious place and a stranger invited you to come along with him. After accepting the offer, write what will happen to you next.

f) Write an inspirational story about a life-changing event or experience or achievement.

g) Write an essay of approximately 300 – 600 words with the following beginning:
“I had to decode the message. It contained an important clue. …”

2. Descriptive

a) Write an essay of at least 150 words describing a local or foreign cultural or religious festival.

b) Write a paragraph of not more than 120 words describing your bedroom.

c) Write a paragraph of approximately 100 words about a very precious item or keepsake you own.

d) Write an essay describing the setting of a scene from a famous story. State what the story is in your essay.

3. Argumentative/Persuasive

a) Write an argumentative essay of at least 200 words answering the question “Should teachers be paid according to how much their students learn?” You may support your answer with other relevant details and opinions.

b) Write an argumentative essay of at least 200 words answering the question “Is it important for Indonesians to be able to speak English?” You may support your answer with other relevant details and opinions.

c) Write an argumentative essay of not more than 550 words answering the question “Should parents be held responsible for crimes committed by their children?” You may support your answer with other relevant details and opinions.

d) Write an argumentative essay of at least 200 words answering the question “Should the National Examinations (Ujian Nasional) be discontinued?” You may support your answer with other relevant details and opinions.

e) Write an argumentative essay of approximately 500 words answering the question “Should cigarette smoking be banned permanently in Indonesia?” You may support your answer with other relevant details and opinions.

4. Expository/Informational

a) Write a news article of approximately 500 words on the topic “What can children do to combat climate change in Indonesia?”

b) Write a news article of approximately 500 words on the topic “What will be the impact of climate change on Indonesian children in 10 – 15 years time?”

c) Write a newspaper article of at least 250 words about the UNFCCC (United Nations Framework for Climate Change Convention) of the COP – 15 (Conference of Parties – 15) that was held in Copenhagen, Denmark from 7 December 2009 – 18 December 2009.

d) Write an informational report of not more than 600 words about one of the UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Indonesia.

e) Write an informational report about a plant or animal native to Indonesia.

f) Write a news article of approximately 500 words about an Indonesian culture that you think has the potential of attracting visitors/tourists to visit Indonesia.