14 March 2010

On The Next Episode Of "Diaries Of A Writing Club" ...

The writing club has been up and running for 3 months now, that's equivalent to half a club term. It's been a tough ride and its challenged you to write beyond your capabilities. Before we go on to taking a sneak peak at whats in store for the second half of the first ever club term...

Previously, on "Diaries Of A Writing Club"...

1. The "Right To Stay" Challenge
Yes, this challenge was definitely uncalled for but one of the many hidden evil speed bumps have come and gone! As Willa said, "this is starting to become a competition!" and she's right! Ultimately, only one person will be the winner of any writing competition and therefore while paying attention to KARMA, everybody has to keep their head in the game!

2. 4 Writing Assignments done!
So far, other than the selection writings, we have had 4 writing assignments. The are About Me, My Genre Of Writing, Freelance Travel Writing and a choice between the Chilean Earthquake or The Pink Eye Infection! There are still more unusual and challenging essay topics to come!

3. Grammar Worksheets
Yes, we have gone through 32 sets of grammar worksheets and counting (that means 32 separate grammar grades). Expect there to be lots more to improve your grammar!

Now that we've had a quick recap of the past,

On the next episode of "Diaries Of A Writing Club"...

1. More Unusual, Quirky, Challenging and yes, Emotional essays!
The topics only get harder and harder from here! The topics will blow you away starting from the one your about to hear of at the end of this post! Be prepared to cry writing these essays, and reading them too!

2. We now take on ... VOCAB!!!
We will start on vocab worksheets on the side of grammar worksheets!

3. How Old Will You Be In 2050??? BEGINS!!!
Yes, we will officially start on the 2050 project. Be prepared to GO GREEN!!!

That's about it for this update of writing club! But to wrap it up, this is your first assignment...

You Won't Believe What You Have To Write About NEXT...

Our first 2 essays have talked about life, our life. As the saying goes, "Life is short, live it well!" However, do we ever think about the opposite of life? That's right, for your next narrative essay, you will be writing an essay about death!

Picture this, a funeral is one of the saddest moments of somebodies life, especially if the departed one is someone who is very close to the heart. Imagine if your parents passed away right now. Well, most likely you've already got the chance to experience what it feels like during one of many recollections you have undergone. You will most likely feel regret for all the bad things you have done to them and be sad that you will never get to see them again and so on. But now, have you ever thought of what it would it be like is you were the one to end the journey of life?

For this assignment, you will be writing about... Attending Your Own Funeral

Imagine if you ended your life right now! Picture you inhaling your last breath as you reach the full stop at the end of this sentence. Somebody who you dearly love and dearly loves you finds you lying dead in front of the computer (well, its really up to you where you want to die in the story, this is just an example). Do they take you to the hospital? Do they take you to the church? Or maybe the funeral parlor? What about the dump site straight away?

How did the people around you feel. Imagine you actually coming to your own funeral like any other guest, except your presence is not physically visible because it is your spirit really that's there. Read the prayers of your relatives, or did nobody ever turn up to the mass or to the cremation? You decide, you predict how YOUR funeral would look like. Include details about how you felt about everything that you saw at your own funeral!

Write as long (or short) as you want! Write your hearts out until you fell you can close the coffin for good. Write up to the point where your chapter was officially closed forever. Don't limit your plot to the funeral though the topic is "Attending Your Own Funeral". Write from the point you died or from the time you first fell sick (if you died because of illness) to the time when the emotions of the people have calmed down for good!

Most importantly, write from the heart. Don't write about somebody else's funeral! Write about what you think will happen when you die. Remember, the best writings are those that truly come from the heart!

Take your time on this essay because you will have until Sunday, 21 March 2010 to write this essay. Who knows, you might want to be cremated with a copy of this essay!

Remember, life is short! So have a happy "the rest of your life" and live it well!

Yudhistira A. Bunjamin
PIC of Writing Club

1 comment:

  1. Hey Yudhi...
    What's up?
    Congratulations on achieving tons of the work and I hope that you will be successful in accomplishing the numerous targets that you have set.

    By the way watch out on your grammar.
    And I'm wondering, when can I be of any assistance? As I'm interested in helping you out.

